Joining a sorority can have a profound impact on your life in numerous ways. See below for testimonials from current Panhellenic members to see how joining a Panhellenic sorority has been a positive experience.
Celeste Talamantez
Hi! I’m Celeste Talamantez and I'm a double major studying criminology and psychology. I went through recruitment in the fall of 2023. Although I had always wanted to join a sorority I was very scared and nervous going into recruitment because I wasn’t to sure what to expect. One day during recruitment I met a really sweet and funny girl on the lawn of the Kappa Delta. Caroline and I were able to help each other get through the rest of the week along with only hoping we would get the same house. On bid day Caroline and I were now sisters and able to run home to Kappa Delta where we met and that would only be the start of us becoming inseparable. I really do believe you end up where you’re supposed to be. Joining a sorority has given me a strong support system along with friendships and memories that are going to last a lifetime. One of my top favorite memories is when I got my little Mila after our first big little date. I knew I needed her as my little, because she was one of the most genuine people I had ever met, and we just clicked. Mila is now one of my closest friends and I’m so grateful she is my little. When joining a sorority you gain so many women who just want to see you succeed and be the best version of yourself and that’s one of the most amazing feelings, knowing you have all these wonderful people there for you. Going through recruitment was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I ended up with some of my closest friends and I couldn’t imagine going through college without them- they have made such a positive impact on me.
Chaley Cartwright
Hi! I’m Chaley Cartwright and I’m a sophomore marketing major. I went through primary recruitment in Fall of 2023 and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. As an out of state student who didn’t know very many people coming to Tech I decided to sign up for recruitment in hopes of meeting people and maybe making some friends. Oh boy did it exceed my expectations! I am a first generation Greek so I didn’t know a lot about recruitment or Greek life and was pretty nervous before starting the process; however, I quickly learned there was no reason to feel that way. I absolutely adored going through recruitment and I was over the moon excited to run home to Alpha Chi Omega. Bid day will always hold a special place in my heart as I ran home to my future big Viv and met my twin Zoee. My family is so special to me, Viv and Zoee were my first friends in college and I will always cherish them. I look up to my big Viv so much, I am so lucky I had such an amazing person to lean on while going through my first year of college. My twin Zoee quickly became one of my best friends and it’s never a dull moment when we’re together. I love spending time with Viv and Zoee whether we’re going for a sweet treat or getting Rosa’s together after chapter. Going through recruitment not only gave me forever friends but also incredible experiences. In my first semester I was able to run for a chapter position and I now currently serve on the Chapter Relations and Standards Board. Serving my chapter has taught me valuable leadership skills and has led me to build stronger relationships with my sisters. Community service has always been important to me and I’m so glad I’m able to continue to serve the community through philanthropic work. Whether it’s fundraising events or hands on service I’m honored to support not only my own sorority’s philanthropy but other chapters' philanthropies as well. My favorite memories from freshman year are because of my membership in Alpha Chi Omega. I haven’t played soccer since I was nine but when Bri, one of my sisters, asked me to join our chapter’s intramural soccer team I jumped in and ended up having a blast playing alongside my sisters. Whether it’s playing soccer, studying at the lodge, or going to the pool I always know I’m going to have a good laugh and make lasting memories when I’m with my sisters. I am eternally grateful I decided to go through recruitment. I will always treasure the friendships, experiences, and memories I've gained through joining my sorority.
Dylan Soliz
Hi! My name is Dylan Soliz and I went through recruitment in the Fall of 2020! While my recruitment was not traditional as it was on Zoom during the pandemic, I still wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself and find a support system as I was far away from home. With it being such a different type of recruitment, it wasn’t easy but I knew that the best was yet to come. On bid day I ran home to Alpha Xi Delta, overwhelmed with joy and acceptance. My new member experience was a bit different with COVID, but the most memorable part of it was getting my big, Aneyla. She really was the friend I was looking for and showed me how to get involved and step out of my comfort zone. She has always encouraged me to realize my potential and be the best version of myself. Throughout my time in Alpha Xi, I have held 7 different positions that have given me leadership skills, confidence, and long lasting friendships. I met my best friend, Jordan, through one of these positions spending countless long nights together. Ever since then, we’ve been glued to the hip. She’s shown me what true friendship looks like and now I can’t imagine my life without her. We even became Rho Gammas together our senior year to live out recruitment together one last time. As I just recently graduated, I reflect on how going through recruitment was one of the best decisions I have made and how being a part of the Panhellenic community made my college experience so memorable. I was given the opportunity to grow as a person and build friendships that I will cherish forever. Being in a sorority, I got to grow my greek family, experience sisterhood, be involved on campus, giveback to the community, and most importantly, make memories that will last forever.
Ella Wentzel
Hi! I’m Ella Wentzel, and I’m a Senior Elementary education major. I went through recruitment in Fall of 2021! I always knew that I wanted to go through recruitment. My mom was in a sorority and many of the people she is still friends with were in her sorority. My recruitment experience wasn’t the easiest but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I had a unique experience because my mom’s sorority sisters’ daughters, Riley and Clare, went through recruitment Fall 2021, as well. Throughout the week we didn’t talk about what houses we had. So, on Bid Day, it was so special when we all ran home to Delta Gamma and our moms were there waiting for us. Throughout our first few months as new members, we put ourselves out there and attended everything we could. One day while attending a bible study, we met Haley and Abby. Our trio added two more and expanded to a group of 5. Ever since then we have been the best of friends. My first year recruiting I met my future little, Alyssa, who brought a whole new element to my sorority experience. Coming into recruitment I lacked confidence in myself. Going through recruitment and joining a sorority has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, feel encouraged through sisterhood, and be confident. As soon as I joined I was able to step into a leadership position. For the past 3 years I have held multiple positions. I began as Director of Service Hours, then VP Programming, and now President! Delta Gamma is my home away from home and I am so thankful that I went through recruitment so that I was able to meet my lifelong friends!
Ellie Fetner
Hi! I’m Ellie Fetner, and I am a Human Sciences major with a concentration in nursing. I went through recruitment in fall of 2022, and it was one of the best experiences I have had during my time here at Texas Tech! I had always planned on going through the recruitment process, as everyone in my family had before me, but I didn't know how amazing it would truly be. Throughout recruitment week I met so many wonderful girls who I am still friends with today. Although we didn't all end up at the same house, the bond we created during the recruitment process remains strong. I ran home to Delta Delta Delta on bid day and little did I know how important that place and the people in it would become to me. As soon as I joined I knew I didn't just want to be a member, I wanted to be involved. My first year I was able to join a committee and work under some amazing women, who I have learned so much from! My sophomore year I was able to recruit my two sweet littles alongside my best friends and future bridesmaids. Now, heading into my junior year I am my chapter’s Director of Philanthropy! I could not be more grateful for the opportunities going through recruitment gave me. The recruitment process brought me friendships that will last forever, leadership experience I wouldn't trade for the world, and my home away from home.
Faith Dolan
Hi! My name is Faith, and I am a senior English and Psychology major! I went through recruitment in 2021 because I wanted to belong to a tight-knit community while in college. In high school, I heard about recruitment and sororities but felt overwhelmed because no one in my family had been part of Greek life. Additionally, since I am deaf, I was worried about whether I would fit in. Thankfully, during recruitment, I met Rho Gammas, who empowered and uplifted me through my experience and helped me gain the confidence to find my forever home. As I received accommodations from every chapter, I felt so welcomed and appreciated by the Panhellenic community and knew that I belonged. At the end of the week, I ran home to Chi Omega and felt extremely thankful for my initial decision to go through recruitment. Being in a sorority has been one of the biggest blessings of my life, as it led me to my best friends, a lifelong sisterhood, and several memorable leadership opportunities. Leading my chapter as the Mental Wellness Chair, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair, and the Foundation Ambassador has allowed me to grow as a person and effective leader. I am also grateful that I was able to receive recognition from our national headquarters and participate in a weekend of leadership training alongside Chi Omegas across the U.S. Overall, going through recruitment was one of the best decisions of my life and helped me become the person I am today.
Faith Geistweidt
Hi! My name is Faith Geistweidt, I am a Junior Agriculture and Applied Economics Major. Growing up, I was your typical farm girl. I spent my Summers running around barefoot, jumping in creeks, and swinging off rope swings. I woke up early to feed livestock and stayed up late cleaning pig pens… Growing up in a small community sheltered by tradition… I had a vision of what a sorority girl would be like. It was pretty much the image given to us in movies. I had never seen the real side of sisterhood or sorority life… When I came to college, it was important to me to get involved. I joined numerous campus clubs and organizations…. And it wasn’t long before I began making tons of new friends! Friends that I absolutely adored, friends with similar interests as me. These women were smart, they were inspiring, they were motivated. And despite what the movies had told me, these women were GREEK! Now that my belief system of what a sorority was had been completely shattered, I found myself thinking maybe I should give this whole Greek thing a try. So even though I had never envisioned myself in letters, I took the leap! I found my home in Pi Beta Phi. I was immediately immersed in a group of talented, unique, inspiring women. But most of all I was overwhelmed by the pure kindness I saw in each of them! This sisterhood has taught me to love unconditionally and to find joy in ALL the things. Maybe you have always wanted to be a sorority girl, or maybe you were just a farm girl like me, either way, I can promise you there is no better sisterhood than Greek Sisters. I now am proud to say after being immersed into Greek like, I sit on the Executive team as Vice President of Inclusion. So, for the gift of perspective… for opening my eyes to the truth, for opening my heart to the beauty of true friendship and for adding joy, laughter and love to my college experience. I have to say, thank you Panhellenic and Pi Phi.
Katie Swope
Hi! My name is Katie Swope and I am an incoming junior majoring in public relations and strategic communication, and I went through Panhellenic recruitment in the fall of 2022. All 4 years of high school I was on the cheer team and having that sister-like bond with girls my age was something I knew I wanted to bring into my college experience, so I decided to go through formal recruitment. Making this decision was honestly a little scary for me at first because nobody in my close family was a part of Greek life so this was something I had to navigate on my own. My recruitment experience was amazing, and I loved learning about each chapter and seeing the love members had for one another. Going into recruitment open minded was the best thing I could have done because it led me where my heart belonged, which was Alpha Phi. Throughout college I have always said that you meet your best friends in the most random ways, and being a part of the Panhellenic community has been the biggest example of this. On my bid day I took a random picture with this girl named Taylor and then we started talking and she has been one of my best friends ever since, shortly after I met her roommate Caitlyn, who is also an Alpha Phi. Soon after that I met Kylie and her friends from Chi Omega, Tori and Ally, who would end up becoming one of my roommates, and I could not imagine my college life without any of these girls.My first in-house recruitment was honestly one of the most fun experiences of my life. Spending that time with my sisters gave me new friendships. Being able to have conversations with so many amazing girls lead to meeting one of my 3 littles, Kylie. Bringing her home on bid day was one of the best feelings ever. My other 2 littles, Kayleigh and Gracie, have also become some of my absolute best friends and I would not trade them for the world. Being part of the Panhellenic community has meant so much to me because I have had many opportunities within Alpha Phi and with the Panhellenic community. Fall semester of my freshman year I decided to join Junior Panhellenic and that made me want to be even more involved in the panhellenic community, so I ended up applying for the Panhellenic Values committee and it has been so much fun. Being a part of something bigger than myself has made my college experience so joyful and I hope it makes you feel that way too!
McKenna Young
I knew about Greek Life from my mom being in a sorority, but it was never something that I considered for myself. However, I am glad that my mom pushed me to fill out an application because I decided to go through Recruitment two weeks before Kick-Off. Now that I look back on that fearful new college student, I am even prouder of the risk she took stepping out of her comfort zone. Sorority recruitment was very intimidating to me because I had never had many female friends throughout high school and before. That did not mean that finding my “home” wasn’t appealing to me, it was just something I never thought I would do. However, Recruitment week was a blessing in disguise since I got to meet so many amazing women who were going through some of the same things I was. At the end of Recruitment, most of the women I met did not run home to the same chapter, but I still keep in touch with many of them today. Additionally, being able to ask fellow sorority women for help on the first day of school because we all wear our bid day shirts was a relief for the little freshman who didn’t know her way around. Running home to Alpha Delta Pi has challenged me and grown me as a person and sister in so many ways. The opportunities I have had as an officer and member have prepared me for the many facets of my future endeavors and allowed some self-discovery of my own along the way. While college is fantastic, it is not always easy, so having a weekly Chapter meeting to see my sisters and lean on others experiencing some of the same things has kept me going. The woman that went through recruitment would be so proud of where I am now; I owe her all of my success for giving something a chance that she thought wasn’t for her. No matter who you are and what you have been through, there is a home and a sisterhood out there for you. As someone who previously believed all the negative stereotypes about sororities as an incoming freshman until going through Primary Recruitment: give it a chance and you just might find something really special!
Love, McKenna Young A proud Epsilon Epsilon Alpha Delta Pi
Paryse Shockley
Hi! My name is Paryse Shockley! I went through recruitment in the Fall of 2023 and this is my story. Before I went through Primary Recruitment at Texas Tech University, I was so scared. Coming from a very small town where I graduated with only 50 people, the idea of stepping into this unfamiliar world where I knew absolutely no one made me so nervous. If I’m being honest, my community and even my own parents were very hesitant at first, not understanding why I would want to even join a sorority. Greek life in my hometown was a very unfamiliar thing, and most people where I lived thought sororities were just like how they are stereotyped in the movies, when in reality they are so much greater than that. Despite the beliefs, I knew in my heart that it was something I truly wanted to do. And despite my family being unsupportive, from the moment of open house, the Rho Ghams and Panhellenic community greeted me with such warmth and kindness that it felt like I finally found the community where I belong. As I ran home on bid day to Zeta Tau Alpha, I never felt more happy in my life. It was truly my home away from home and it introduced me to the most incredible, inspiring women. These women have become my family and I really couldn’t imagine life without them. I have grown in ways I never could have imagined, finding so much confidence and strength within myself I never even knew existed. Thanks to my ultimate decision to go through primary recruitment, I had the opportunity to gain multiple leadership positions within my chapter such as Mental Health Chair, Service Chair on Philanthropy Committee, and more! I was later inspired to run for Panhellenic Cabinet where I now serve as Director of Social Justice. I knew I wanted to be an encouragement for others, just like the Panhellenic Community was for me. To anyone who feels unsure or scared, just like I was, I promise you that you will find your home that will wrap you in a blanket of love and support. It will change your life in the most wonderful ways, just like it did mine. Being a part of this community is a gift, and I am forever grateful for choosing to go through primary recruitment here at Texas Tech University.
Payton Passante
Hi, I'm Payton Passante, and I'm thrilled to share my journey of going through recruitment in fall 2023. I was so excited to register for recruitment, especially considering my family's rich tradition of Greek life. With my mom and sister's stories about having found sisterhood in various sororities, I deeply anticipated starting this experience myself. Witnessing the enduring friendships and profound bonds formed through their sorority affiliations, including standing by each other's sides as bridesmaids and maintaining Bible studies for over 30 years, I knew I was about to embark on something truly special.
My recruitment journey was incredible, filled with encounters with genuinely kind-hearted women and an opportunity to witness sororities' impactful contributions to the community. As a legacy to two different sororities, I wanted to stay true to myself and find the house that best fit me, regardless of my mom and sister's choice. Ultimately, I found my home within Kappa Kappa Gamma, a decision that has filled me with immense joy and fulfillment. Through Kappa, I've cultivated incredible friendships. Every day, you could find me and my new best friends Kate, Lydia, and Avori together. These girls genuinely captivate what sisterhood stands for; they are friends who became sisters, and I can't imagine life without them.
I've immersed myself in all aspects of sorority life, from attending formal events, date parties, and meeting my big Gracie Murray to participating in philanthropy and Panhellenic events. My desire to make a meaningful impact within my sorority led me to join the philanthropy committee and take on the role of this year's junior Panhellenic delegate. The genuine support that extends beyond individual sororities truly sets the Greek community apart here at Texas Tech. I've cherished the close relationships formed with women from every sorority in Panhellenic as we uplift and empower each other in remarkable ways. This coming year, I will be moving in with Kate, my kappa sister, and two tri delts, Summer and Margaret, whom I love dearly. Without all the love shared throughout the Panhellenic sororities, I would have never met these incredible women.